Monday, March 24, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hello? Are You Still There?

Well, today, I have decided that it is about time to start blogging more regularly once again. I have officially entered the 2nd trimester and am feeling so much better. This pregnancy has really thrown me for a loop. I have been the sickest that I have ever been while trying to take care of my kids and husband. I have not done too well balancing it out. Here are a few of my terrible tricks to get by:

1. Susanna and Sam have bought lunch every day or taken Lunchables to school. The thought of putting meat and cheese together in the morning was enough to make me sick.
2. Susanna has to do 20 minutes of reading a night to us. I lay with her in her bed as she reads me to sleep.
3. Jeff has taken the kids to school every morning that he is in town and usually picks Susanna up too. I don't even know if her teacher would recognize me.:)
4. Instead of spending the time to discipline Susanna on what she chooses to eat in her lunch that I rarely packed, I put notes in it that read, "Eat your apple or else!" Love , Mom
5. Luke likes to play catch at night with a little football. So, being the super mom that I am, as I lay on the couch, I instructed him on how it is so important to get it right to me. If he didn't, he would have to go get the ball. Yeah, that's embarrassing.
6. I did manage to get up and move some. We play on the trampoline alot. I lay down and they see how high they can bounce me. Hey, they think it's fun.
7. I am so thankful for the armoires that we have. They have served us well as places to stuff extra things when we have to show the house in a hurry. I always think that if they move around too much in the house, they will hear the sound of a mountain caving in. Maybe they have.

But... I am not too proud of my getting by skills. We have survived!!!! No one has been scarred too bad and we can get back to normal. Now, I've got to run to the store to get cash so that the tooth fairy can visit tonight and get Easter eggs so that the Easter bunny can also swing by. Who knew how much pressure a Mom has in making sure holidays go smoothly?

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Do you ever feel like birthdays and holidays are taking over the year or quickly sending you to the poor house? I do and I am a little overwhelmed thinking about the 2 new ones that we will be celebrating this year. I mean, it seems as if it is always a holiday or a birthday to celebrate. Every time I turn around, I have either realized that I need to run to the store to get a present or that I've completely blown it and forgotten it. I'm just not good with them and am always giving belated gifts. The reason I am thinking about this is that today is my Dad's birthday. As much as I complain or feel overwhelmed with keeping up with all of the special days, I wish more than anything that we still had his to celebrate. We will still honor this day but it's not the same as celebrating it. I am so thankful for the lives that each birthday represents and am reminded today to cherish and appreciate them. Losing a birthday is such a hard thing to accept.

Dad, we miss you and love you so much! I cannot wait for the day we will all be celebrating together.

As I type this in the car on the way home from Birmingham, there is a huge rainbow in the sky. It is the most brilliant rainbow Jeff and I have ever seen. Thank you Lord, on this day of remembrance, for a sign of your promise of hope. I know that rainbow was for me.

I took a picture of it and will post it when I get home.