Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Lights...

This week we have been so busy with Christmas preparing and events. The kids have been so excited and hyper. They love to look at Christmas lights and it has proved to be a great activity for us to do when we need to get out of the house but don't have money to spend. We have spent several nights driving around town "judging" Christmas lights. Sam and Elijah get so excited about the lights. It is so cute. They both yell, "Wow!" and then yell, "More!" The other night, Luke was getting so excited about seeing all of the lights. We were driving over I-485 and Luke yelled, "Look, Mom, there is even a car parade of lights!" I had to tell him that it was traffic but that that was a great way to look at it.

I really do hate the materialism of it all though. But I do have to admit that I get so excited about seeing my kids open up their presents. I cannot wait! I love the verse that says (paraphrase) that just as we,being imperfect, love to give gifts to our own children, our Father loves to give to those who ask even more. He gave us the most awesome gift that anyone could ever receive. We are doing our best to teach them about this very special day and what it means to us. They love to play with the nativity and tell the story of Jesus using the people in the set. And I love to hear them tell the story. This holiday season is so bittersweet. The pain of the loss of my Dad is still there but I love the hope that Christmas season represents even more for that very reason.


the burchard bunch said...

We missed you guys last night. Hope everyone's feeling better soon...

Jean said...

I have to ditto everything you say. Merry Christmas to you all.


Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.