Monday, December 24, 2007

Sleepless in Charlotte

The kids are all sleeping...Whew!!!!! They have been so excited about Christmas! We have a countdown calendar in our kitchen and, boy, were they thrilled for it to be the last time to move it. I'll have to admit, I don't think that I will sleep much tonight. When will I ever grow up? I just can't wait to give every one their presents. Jeff, Uncle Tim, and Uncle Kent are outside assembling something. They must be freezing! (And probably driving our neighbors crazy.) I have just finished putting all of the stockings together. Whenever people talk about it being too expensive to have more than 1 or 2 kids, I will be the first one to point out that it's not that bad. I mean, you can hand all of the clothes down, garage sale, not sign up your kids for a million different activities,etc,,, But, tonight as I was putting all of the stockings together, I realized how much more we spend on Christmas stockings alone. You have to make sure that everything is even which can send you for a whirl when you realize that one child's stocking is only half full and the other kids' stockings are overflowing. I could just say. "Life's just not fair!", right? I mean, what better time to learn? I'm just kidding!

Today, Susanna was working on some Christmas cards. She came and showed me a card. It was one to Santa thanking him for stopping by. Just as I was beginning to have one of my worry sessions (Have I taught her to love Santa more than Jesus? Yeah, I know!) she handed me another card that she had already made. It said:

Dear God and Jesus,
Thank you for Christmas. I love you!

Woo Hoo! It made my day!

Merry Christmas to you all! Remember Him and the most amazing gift ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You have done a great job as a mother and we are so blessed continually to have the childern we do. Praise Jesus!