Friday, September 19, 2008

Please Pray...

When Drew was born, we had a photographer take pictures of him and us. Jeff and I have misplaced her card and we are desperate to see those pictures. Please pray that we find her as she told us to contact her for them after 6 weeks. We just want to see them so badly, This week has been very difficult for me. I just miss the baby that should be here so terribly. As my due date approaches, it seems surreal that he won't be here with us. Mornings seem to be the hardest as I often wake up thinking that I'm still pregnant. Then, realizing that I need to get through another day seems so overwhelming. Looking at my own children makes me so sad. I just think about which one he would have been most like. I know that one day this pain won't be so bad, but I also know that a piece of me will always be gone. Thank you all so much for your prayers.


Kristen said...

Hey girl--we'll find her. Let me contact that organization for you today. Surely they'll know who she was. I'll call you if I find anything out.

Faith said...

Melanie, I prayed just now and will continue to do so. I pray that the Lord would carry you through the days that are so hard. Praying that you feel His love and peace tonight, and that He would make the way for you to see the pictures of your precious boy soon.
Love in Jesus, Faith

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying you find her card or someone can give you her name! My friend works for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. If that was the group, she may be able to contact someone to get her name!
Praying for you always!

Renae said...

Prayers said.

JenB said...

Hi Melanie
I found your blog through Holly's and as I was reading I saw that tomorrow is your due date. I am praying now that God will give you the peace you need to face tomorrow. And every day after.

Anonymous said...

Hello Melanie - Have you contacted the maternity ward at the hospital? If it was them who contacted the photographer to begin with, they will have the number. There is a posting on NILMDTS to see if any of our photographers were involved, but they may not see the posting; so contacting the hospital may be your best bet.
I pray for your strength and peace.

Anonymous said...

My name is Kirk Kief. I'm a member of Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, as well as the Forum/Applications Administrator. please send me an email at with the date, hospital, hospital zip code, where this session was done at. I'll do everything I can to locate your photographer, and get these so very important images to you.