Friday, May 18, 2007

Luke and his Party

I meant to post this earlier but I have had no access to a computer over the past week. Luke had his birthday party last Saturday. He was so excited to say the least. It was supposed to rain but it held off. We had beautiful weather. The kids had a great time playing in the water. Luke was so funny. I had reminded him how to tell each of the kids thank you after he opened their presents. We practiced this a few times on Friday night. I had also told him some things that would be nice for him to say and do. Well, after he opened every present, he said,"Thank you, I love it!" and then gave them a hug. It was so funny because he said it like he meant it, but it also sounded a little too rehearsed. We all got a kick out of it. He keeps reminding me that he is 4 now. His preschool just ended for the year. Luke absolutely loves preschool. Most mornings he likes to sleep in but if I tell him to get up for preschool, he will shoot right up. Right now, him,Susie, and Jeff went to see Shrek3. Luke loves to spend time with his Daddy. His new favorite thing to do is to go fishing. Jeff and him went last week and caught 5 fish. Luke is still talking about it. Luke also loves to play outside on the swingset. He will ask me about 20 times a day to push him on the swing. He can pump his legs, but he'd rather not.
God has given Luke a gift of caring for others. He is so sensitive about certain things. He cannot stand to see me tear up. The other day, we were talking about Papa Dwyer and I got a little teary-eyed. Luke hurried to me with a big hug and said, "Don't worry Mommy, I'll take care of you." I love that Boy!
Enjoy the pictures from the party!