Monday, July 2, 2007

A Bit Overwhelming...

Luke and Susanna have been misbehaving quite a bit today. I don't have a voice to get on to them. My voice has been gone for about 2 days now. Let's just say that it has been a little rough today. Is it normal to have days that you feel as though you are failing as a parent? I mean, some days when everything is going wrong, I think about all of the things that could and should be done better. It sometimes terrifies me to think of this great responsibility that God has given Jeff and I. How can I make sure that they will love the Lord, love others, have a vision for their lives, be strong, know how to brush their teeth for 2 minutes, tie their shoes, sit up straight at the table, have good manners, be polite,play an instrument, button their pants,learn to write,know how to read, know their addresses,know not to talk to strangers, eat all their vegetables and fruit,be able to play ball, clean their rooms without hiding stuff under their bed, share with each other,know all the little songs that I want them to know, speak uplifting words and not words that tear down,stay away from drugs? OK, I know I am getting a little ahead of myself but the task does seem a little overwhelming, especially today. How do you have time in the day to prepare them for life? I don't mean to sound negative. I love and enjoy raising them. It would be so easy to get them to just survive this world. But, we want so much for them to thrive in this world. I want them to know that God has a purpose for their lives and a plan. He wants them to glorify Him, live and breathe His Word, show others His love, and be Kingdom-Minded. How can Jeff and I do this? We make so many mistakes, it's scary. I mean, sometimes I wonder if we even have a chance of turning out kids that are normal. We can't do it alone. We need Him every moment of every day. I think that is where I often lose focus. We can't do it alone. It's too big of a task to do without His guidance every day. I am so glad, that even though today I probably snapped at my kids too many times that His grace will see us through.

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