Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The heat returns...

Well, our AC has quit working for the second time this week. It sure makes me thankful for when it is working. The irony of it is that Holly's went out this week,too. We gave her the number of the people we used the first time and they came to her house that same day. So, today, we called them and asked them to come and fix it and they said that they would be out on Tuesday of next week. What? We found out that since we are getting this service through our home warranty, which Holly was not, we would be put on the bottom of the list. They know that we have to use them. Things like these tend to fire me up. I am trying to keep my testimony, but I am very tempted to give them a piece of my mind. As you can see, I have trouble being in a good mood when I am hot and my kids are fussy because they are hot, too. We stayed at Mom's house over the weekend and are trying to give her a break. I'll probably be there tomorrow night anyways since Jeff is out of town.
Jeff is taking Kent down to Honor Academy in Tyler, Texas. He will be there for a year. I cannot believe my little bro is going to college. We are sure going to miss you, Bub. The kids want you to call them often.

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