Well, I have been inspired once again to continue this blog by looking at how some friends do theirs. It is so easy to get discouraged with these. I don't want to offend people, come across as bragging, or come across as too negative when I share what is on my mind. Here is a quick rundown of happenings with the Robinson Family:
*** Sam will be going to Wake Forest on Tuesday. We will confer with several doctors on what is the best next step for him.
***Also on Tuesday, we will be finding out what sex our little one is. We are all so excited about this. I promised Susanna that I would either have a pink or blue ribbon tied to the car when I pick her up in car line. She has reminded me over and over to have my ribbons ready.
***On Wednesday, we will close on the house that we are buying. Woo hoo! It's a beautiful house and gives us a little more room for our ever expanding family. The best thing is that our payment will actually drop. We had decided one night to stop by this neighborhood and they were having a promotion with inventory houses. The promotion was the interest rate was 2.8 percent! What a blessing!
***Our house closes on May 16th. Please pray that everything goes smoothly. After we decided to put in new countertops, we received 2 offers almost immediately. Note to all potential sellers... If your countertops are a hideous green puke color, Change them! Run to Home Depot and don't look back. The investment will be well worth it.
***Jeff begins his new position this week. Pray that he will not be too stressed. He will be traveling alot in the next few weeks as he trains. Pray for us, too!
***My mom surprised us all and got married last week. I mean, we were expecting her to get married soon, but in May. She is married to a wonderful man named Gene. My kids love him and look forward to seeing him every time we go over there. He is a pastor from Nebraska. So, we may be losing Mom for a while. I don't know what we'll do without her around. Anyways, God has brought comfort to two broken hearted people and it has been so wonderful to see Mom with a new spark.
Well, as you can see, not much going around here! Ha!