Friday, February 2, 2007


Yesterday, when we woke up there was about 2-3 inches of snow on the ground. It was awesome! The kids were so excited to be able tp play in it and I was excited to get some pictures of them with their "gear" on. But... our camera's battery was dead. Oh well. We might get some more on Sunday and the batteries are ready.(The snow has melted.) Last night, Holly shared a couple verses with us. It was Romans 12:1,2. She shared some other verses too about sacrifice being a form of worship and some different types of sacrifice that God requires of us. I knew this verse, but had never really though about this being a form of worship. Our pastor has given all the small group leaders a copy of the book, In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson. He has asked us to read it throughtout the week. I have to say that this is a very powerful book and very thought provoking. It corresponds with what we talked about last night.Also this week, my friend, Niki, gave me a CD with a a beautiful song on it. I cannot remember the title of it, but the chorus has been playing over and over in my head about the more that we seek Him the more that we find Him, and the more that we find Him ,the more that we love Him. It's so exciting to see how the Lord teaches us. Some times I tend to think of all these things as coincidences, but the Lord deserves much more credit than that.

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