Friday, September 7, 2007

Boys only weekend +Me

Well, Susanna is not here tonight and with her friends. This is her first sleepover apart from family. I know it is only one night but I miss her already. There's just something about having all of the kids under one roof. But, I will survive... Luke has his first soccer game tomorrow morning. He is so funny out there on the field during practice. I think that he is going to drive his coach crazy but it just cracks me up. The coach will set up cones for them to dribble around with the ball but he will just go straight and avoid the cones altogether. I am just hoping that Luke does not score any goals for the other team if the goal is closer. I'll try and get a little video of it to put on here for Papa and Grandma. He is the smallest one out there but he is so cute in those way too big shorts and soccer shirt!

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