Monday, September 3, 2007

Tough Decisions

This year seems to be filled with tough decisions for Jeff and I. We have had to decide on where to send Susanna to school. Would you believe that we had her enrolled in 3 different schools up until the week before school? This does not include the very distant thought of homeschooling her. We struggled with this for so long. We did decide to send her to a Christian school and she loves it. I am glad that we chose this option. I don't know what we'll do next year when Luke goes but we'll see. Secondly, we had to make the decision to start Sam on growth hormone treatment. This was extremely scary for me personally. I hate to give the kids any kind of drug unless they are very sick. I am just a tad bit afraid of the unknown. I even get a little nervous about getting their vaccines. I delay them a little just to make myself feel better. So, making the decision to give him this new treatment was extremely hard. Jeff is much better about this. He is the calm,cool, and collected one. Well, we weighed our options and prayed about this and felt that this was the best course of treatment for him. So far, we've seen pretty good results with them. Then, Jeff and I have had to make a very tough but private decision this past week. This was a tough, tough decision. Why do we have to make these decisions in our lives? Why doesn't God just tell us what to do? I think that I am learning why. Sometimes these decisions make us learn and realize how much we need Him. I am glad to know that He is with us and will gently guide us. Well, most of the time He gently guide us, sometimes it's more like a kick in the rear. Nevertheless, I am thankful that He teaches me to rely on Him.

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