Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Meet Elijah... This child is into everything. He has destroyed more things than anyone I know. This week, Elijah has blessed us with bleach stains on the carpet, drawings on the wall, ruined his clothes with my lipstick (also ruining my lipstick),toilet paper all over the bathroom, bite marks on Sam, and bubble bath poured all over the bathroom floor. This is all I can think of at the moment, but I am sure there is more. Oh yeah, he poured out all of the salt on the floor. I am still picking it up. The salt one makes me laugh because when Sam's therapist came over to the house, she kept looking at the kitchen table and floor. I had not yet discovered what Eli had done. Now, I'm wondering if she thought that I had a little business on the side. I'm just kidding, but it did look kind of funny. That's our Elijah... But, he is so cuddly and he wrinkles his nose when he laughs, and he loves to rub your arm when he's sleepy. He also yells, "Mommy" in the middle of the night. When I come in there, he just grunts until I pick him up. It's kind of cute. :) He's a little stinker, but he makes life lots of fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elijah comes by the arm rubbing trait from his father. I remember very well, especially when he gets tired he would rub my arm. I don't know where Jeff got it from but it show he is real affectionate. That is a good trait. Love Grandma Robinson