Monday, January 26, 2009

On my mind...

Something I'm learning...Don't ever use the excuse of being real or being relevant as a reason to not be holy. The Lord commands us to be holy because He is. We are to be imitators of Him and not of this world. I'm guilty of this. So many times, I will share with a friend or family member something I may be struggling with. Not for the purpose of repenting and changing. I just share it so they can tell me that they struggle with it also. I then give myself a little pat on the back for being real and I feel much better about myself. I think to myself, See, everyone struggles with it, even other GOOD Christians. We do this all of the time. Sometimes it's a TV show, our marriages, how we raise our children. We just compare ourselves to our friends, our pastors, our family. And it reassures us of our standing with God. This can be very dangerous. Soon, we look just like those around us but hardly resemble Jesus at all.

I Peter 1:15,16- "But as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, be ye holy; for I am holy."

Something that's bothering me... I don't understand why everyone keeps saying how proud they are of our country for electing President Obama. I don't get it. Yes, we can say that racial barriers have been broken. I don't care if our President is red, yellow, black, or white...if He acknowledges Jesus as His Lord and seeks to serve Him, then I would be excited. We now have a president who will most likely separate our country more than ever. This time it will not be a racial separation, but a religious one. He has already signed multiple bills that will affect everyone all across the land. Why did he find it most important to make one of his very first priorities to fund abortions worldwide? I will always love this country, but I think that Christians will be in for a battle like we've never seen before.

Something I'm thinking about...I'd better quit writing because I'm going to get myself in trouble. :)

Friday, January 16, 2009


Please pray for this lady. I have read her blog since she found out she was pregnant. They had no clue that anything was wrong with her sweet baby girl Harper. She was born tonight and has been flown to another hospital. Please lift her up in your prayers.

I Needed This

One of my favorite bloggers has posted a video on her blog giving us four different ways to tie a scarf. I had no idea how wrong I have been doing it. Well, they are all very cute and Big Mama is always very entertaining. We both have the same name. No, not Big Mama. Although I would be more fitting to have that title on my blog than she is. Her name is Melanie too. I think we would be great friends. :) Oh, by the way, Holly, this is also a shout out to you and Chris. :0

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Isn't this cute? - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

What was your favorite Christmas present? My husband, Jeff(not to be confused with my other husbands) got me this beautiful necklace. I just wanted to share it with everyone. I think it is a beautiful reminder of the 5 children that God has blessed me with. I think it is possibly my favorite gift that I have ever gotten. Sorry, Mom, the luggage you and Dad got me my Senior year came in a close second. :) What was your favorite gift this year?

Oops, I just realized how dusty my desk is! Hey, I've blogged two days in a row. What do you expect?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

6th Folder, 6th Picture, Sort of...

My friend Paige asked anyone who reads her blog to post the 6th picture in your 6th folder on your computer pictures. Well, I had to break the rules a little bit. My 6th folder only had 5 pictures in it, so we went with 7th folder, 6th picture. I would have gone with the 6th folder, 5th picture but it was a lovely shot taken by Luke of Yours Truly. And then I would have to quit writing out of sheer embarrassment. So, I present to you, 7th folder, 6th picture, Sam. This was right after his latest surgery. He is such a little trooper. He has been through 7 surgeries and has bounced right back from each of them. He is doing amazing. I cannot believe how much better he is talking over the past month or so. This picture just about sums him up. He has been through many hardships, but he usually has this big grin on his face. I love him so much!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I think I'm Going to Try This Blogging Thing Once Again!:)

I just can't seem to get back into the swing of things. Our family had a great Christmas together. But, it has been hard to say the least. My heart aches for my baby. Yes, I've been blessed beyond measure with four babies on this side of Heaven, but I want Drew back. I wonder if I'll ever go more than a few minutes without losing my breath when I am reminded that he died. I am reminded when I see pregnant ladies in the mall, a mom holding her baby, when I get that email newsletter that I can't seem to block always stating, "this week in your baby's development", every time I look at my boys, etc... No matter what I do, I don't understand death. It scars us, leaving us permanently disfigured as we walk through this life. I can still go through this life happy but I'll never have the carefree feeling that I once had. Death has touched me and I'll never be the same. I appreciate so much each of your prayers. I know that they are what get me through each and every day.Sometimes when I am so overwhelmed and I feel as if my heart will completely break from crying, He gives me strength to press forward. I am certain that it is because of my friends and familys' prayers.